Glen Campbell - The Goodbye Tour at the CNE

via BlogTO
Glen Campbell has been a musician for over six decades. The country singer and guitarist from Arkansas has released more than seventy albums. Glen Campbell sadly now suffers from Alzheimer's disease, so when it was announced that the Toronto stop for his farewell tour would be a free concert at the CNE I knew it would be a good concert to attend.
Many people were iffy as to whether Glen Campbell would be any good or not because of his Alzheimer's but it turned out he put on a good show. He did forget a bit where he was at points and what he was doing, and was a bit patchy with some of the lyrics but he was still perfect with his guitar playing. Glen mainly played his old hits but he also did a few songs from his new album. His voice had gone a bit and wasn't like it used to be but he wasn't that bad either. The band touring with him consisted of his children which I thought was a nice touch and helped Glen to feel more comfortable onstage. Glen Campbell talked a bit to the crowd and kept mentioning being in Toronto, which I think was to help him jog his memory. Most of the audience there were older than my parents like at the Petula Clarke concert and there was barely any people my age there.
All in all, Glen Campbell put on a good show despite his Alzheimer's and his music was still as good as ever.
Glen Campbell performing Wichita Lineman at the Toronto CNE


Julie said...

That is so sad about the alzhiemers :(

Jane said...

I love Glen Campbell. His songs are so beautiful.