Neko Case with The National

I had never really listened to Neko Case before. I am sure I have heard some of her songs, being that both my parents enjoy her music but I had no idea who she was when I found out she was opening for The National an hour before the concert. It turned out that even with this ignorance I found a new artist whose music I love.
Neko Case has a very good live sound and put on a good show, even if she wasn't exactly dressed up - wearing a hoodie and jeans. She did a solid set of hits, a couple covers and songs from her most recent album. She is a very talented musician and her backing band that was touring with her was very cool and consisted of a variety of people. Ms. Case was very talkative and charismatic on stage.
I would definitely consider going to see Neko Case again if she came back to the city to do a headlining show.
Neko Case performing People Got A Lotta Nerve in Toronto.

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