Marianas Trench with Simple Plan

I am aware that after I saw Marianas Trench at the CNE I said that I was not planning on seeing them again if they returned to Toronto. I had to go back on my word though since they were opening for Simple Plan, who are one of my favourite Canadian pop-punk musicians.
Besides the fact that I don't really enjoy Marianas Trench, they did put on a good show in that all the stops were pulled out and it was very over the top. This helped in masking Josh Ramsay's singing skills - which are not very good. Their stage set up was elaborate compared to the rest of the acts, with Josh entering in a Jack-in-a-box. All keeping with the 'toy land' theme of their new album, Ever After.
This time I was quite happy that the concert was inside though, since I was able to endure the screaming and iffy singing while being comfortable instead of shivering. Marianas Trench seems to attract a pandemonium of screaming with their shows, as between when the band came on stage and when the house lights had gone down, there was a non-stop and very loud chorus of screams throughout the whole ACC. My teeth actually hurt because the screaming was so loud and high pitched. Once the band was on stage though it subsided minimally.
Josh Ramsay did not interact with the audience as much at this performance, only mentioning something to do with playing for 10 people and now this many in Toronto. He seemed a bit out of it onstage in both his performance and interaction, compared to the last time I saw Marianas Trench. He did go out into the crowd this time still, walking through the aisle around the audience on the floor and going to the very front, while being followed by rabid fans.
The experience was not much different besides the fact that they had left behind their slight punk look for a more top 40s pop look, similar to that of Lady Gaga or Katy Perry almost. (Josh Ramsay instead of wearing his usual attire from before of black pants, dress shirt and tie, had donned red pleather leggings and a white jacket.)
After seeing them twice, this has really help me realize that I will most definitely not be seeing them for a third time, as I found the show boring since I knew what to expect, and most songs off their new album are not as good at the freshman album to begin with.
Marianas Trench opening for Simple Plan with Celebrity Status and Fallout in Toronto

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