Marianas Trench at the CNE

When I saw the Marianas Trench was going to be one of the free concerts at the Ex, I thought I may as well go since some of my friends like them, even though I knew they were not that great live. It turns out that I was right, the lead singer, Josh Ramsay, cannot sing very well live and on the high notes he goes completely out of tune! Though you could barely tell this at the concert over the screaming teenage girls. Therefore I was sitting off to the side on the benches since no way was I standing in the middle of a horde of screaming people.
Josh Ramsay was also very hyper jumping around the stage and catching glow sticks being thrown at him. I will give him credit that he talked to the crowd a lot.
In the end, my friends were cold and fed up so I was able to leave early (and stop the bleeding from my ears.) They are one band that I don't intend on seeing again. I only suggest seeing them if you enjoy screaming instead of listening to the music.
Marianas Trench performing Celebrity Status at the Toronto CNE
This was the only video that I could find that you could actually hear the band over the screaming...

1 comment:

Zebrazed said...

Thanks for the advice. I dont like MT that much anyways