Hurts - Blood, Tears & Gold

Don't let go.... Never give up it's such a wonderful life!
The lyrics from the first single by the alternative British group, Hurts. Two lads from Manchester with a synth noise, readily compared to the likes of Joy Division are ready to storm the music world. Having played at Coachella, all over Europe and now on a tour of Asia, it really does seem as if Theo Hutchcraft and Adam Anderson can rule the industry with their smart wardrobe choices.
I discovered Hurts on the Hong Kong music channel (Channel V) and when I heard they were coming to Hong Kong, I had to see how they performed their music live.
It turns out that they actually sound pretty good. Theo's voice is very impressive and I had never realized that Adam Anderson can play guitar as well besides synths and keyboards. At their concert, I was lucky to be at the very front of the standing crowd though I was off to the side and right in front of the giant amps, which blasted my ears out. They were playing the mall thing, KITEC in Kowloon but in a convention room that could hold about a thousand people. The venue was pretty full with the young adult, local concert go-ers and a few teen Brit girls with their mothers.
Their set was rather short, only thirteen songs, but then again they played all but one of the songs from their album, so the show ended up being short at forty-five minutes. Hurts have a sort of "stage persona". They came on all stiff and serious though Theo did interact with the audience a bit. He said "Thank You" in Cantonese and also they brought out a bouquet of white roses which they threw into the audience, while also waving to people in the crowd.
After the show, I was able to get a poster signed by them and I was able talk to Richard Knight, the opera/backing singer who does a solo on their bonus track, Verona. He was very nice and different from his serious persona on-stage, also he seemed to like Hong Kong and thought it was a very fascinating city like many people do.
Hurts put on a good show and are up and coming with their cool and interesting sound. I'd suggest to check them out!
Hurts performing Silver Lining live in Hong Kong


Watermelons83 said...

I'm going to have to listen to Hurts now..

Julie said...

They sound cool!