Bon Jovi - The Circle Tour

My first exposure to Bon Jovi was when completing a music class project late at night in May of 2010. We had to perform an original 10 minute musical and film it, in a group for our final music project. I was stuck with writing the script, so of course it was filled with classic rock songs like Bohemian Rhapsody, Band on the Run, Jailhouse Rock and I Shot The Sheriff. I  was trying to find one last song when I found Wanted Dead or Alive and since the script took place in the Wild West it was a fit. I found the video on Youtube...
...and re-watched it 3 times. I just loved the song
When I found out Bon Jovi was coming to Toronto, I was ecstatic thinking that I could possibly see not just any old band but one that I genuinely loved to listen to! Also this was going to be my first ever rock concert!
They played at the Roger Center (aka Sky Dome) as it's a bit bigger venue than the ACC but has horrible acoustics. The sound was echoing everywhere and it sounded like there was two drum sets being played. Despite the acoustics being terrible, Jon Bon Jovi was still able to stay pitch perfect through the 26 song set. Besides the acoustic problem though their opening act was Kid Rock. I'm not particularly fond of him and therefore came late on purpose to the concert. I did get to see his last 2 songs though and they were not the best in my opinion, I could barely stand it but the headlining act made up for him in performance skill later.
The band really knows how to use the stage to their advantage and just put on a show. I had been sitting in the nosebleeds at this concert, in the cheap seats, due to my late discovery of Bon Jovi and the concert. Even so Jon Bon Jovi really knew how to engage the audience, even those in the very back. But it only makes sense that after 27 years of experience that there show would be anything but boring.
The only part of the show that really disappointed me, was how Jon Bon Jovi cannot sing the high part of Livin' On A Prayer anymore, and therefore lets the audience sing it.
Almost anyone who likes rock music would enjoy seeing Bon Jovi live.
Livin' On A Prayer live in Toronto.


Adrian Ho said...

this is brilliant

passionfruits said...

yeah it is pretty interesting

Adrian Ho said...

so much detail too

Melanie said...

I love this blog! Makes me feel as if I was there :)