30 Seconds To Mars - Closer To The Edge

THIS IS WAR! declares Jared Leto, lead singer of 30 Seconds To Mars, on Hong Kong during their first concert ever in the city. 
The band has been around since 1998 and has a strong fan base internationally. It was shown by the turn out in Hong Kong of locals in their teens and twenties, and older British couples in their late thirties.
30 Seconds To Mars ploughed through their energetic set of songs from their new album, sprinkled with some more "emo" rock songs from their second album. Jared Leto is one of the few "screaming" musicians that's voice I can tolerate, this is because when he doesn't scream (which isn't too much) his voice it actually pretty good, and it was just as good live. Jared also has a great amount of charisma and interacted a lot with the audience, inviting people up on stage almost constantly. He asked someone to teach him Cantonese at one point, and for the encore he invited practically half the audience up on stage. The band's acoustic numbers were also just as good as their energy filled rock songs.
Their opening act was actually their roadies who were a bit of a band themselves. They were okay but weren't that amazing and were actually a bit boring to tell the truth. They did a few classic rock covers and Green Day and some other more modern rock songs. It was still cool though that they were the band's roadies.
Sadly though this concert was my last in Hong Kong :( I don't know if my concert experiences in Toronto, Canada will live up to this past year's.
30 Seconds To Mars performing an acoustic version of The Kill in Hong Kong


Watermelons83 said...

Sounds like a cool concert!

Julie said...

OMG I love them! SOUNDS FUN